Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби |
Магистратура |
2013 |
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби |
Высшее |
2010 |
Name of the scientific degree |
Branch of science |
Graduation Date |
ДокторPhD |
24/01/2018 |
File name |
Headline |
Description |
Corrective Pedagogy |
Силлабус кор пед 2018 каз |
Corrective Pedagogy |
Силлабус кор пед 2018 |
Corrective Pedagogy |
Кор пед СӨЖ нұсқаулық |
Corrective Pedagogy |
книгообеспеч корр пед |
Corrective Pedagogy |
кор пед семинарға нұсқаулық |
Corrective Pedagogy |
Силлабус кор пед 2018 каз |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
2-дәріс_супервизия |
Corrective Pedagogy |
Емтихан сұрақтары Корр СПС 18 |
Social and psychological counseling |
Учебно-методический комплекс по консультированию |
Psychologo-Pedagogical Counseling To Children With Deviant Behavior |
УМК титул ппконсдев |
Psychologo-Pedagogical Counseling To Children With Deviant Behavior |
Методические рекомендации к СРС дев |
Psychologo-Pedagogical Counseling To Children With Deviant Behavior |
семинарға нұсқаулық |
Pedagogy |
Педагогика вопр |
Pedagogy |
Документ Microsoft Word |
Pedagogy |
Педагогика вопр |
Pedagogy |
Экзамен.вопросы биофак |
Fundamentals of Professional Pedagogy and Psychology |
!Экз.вопросы_Основы проф пед и психол_2017-1 |
Methods of Teaching Self-cognition |
ВУЗ Структура урока Ертаргынкызы Д. |
Upbringing and Problems of Yoth Socialization |
Жастарды әлеуметтендіру мәселелері карта. |
Introduction to the Teaching Profession |
Введение в педагогическую деятельность. Теория и практика_Никитина, Кислинская_2004 -224с |
Introduction to the Teaching Profession |
Карта учебно-методической обеспеченности дисциплины введение |
Socio-pedagogical Technologies of Work of Social Pedagog With Children of Deviant Dehavior |
Клейберг Ю.А., Психология девиантного поведения |
Socio-pedagogical Technologies of Work of Social Pedagog With Children of Deviant Dehavior |
_Коповой А.С., Профилактика и коррекция девиантного поведения подростков |
Deviantology |
MIDTERM EXAM девиантология |
Deviantology |
китаптармен қамтамас ету |
Deviantology |
Девиантология емтихан сұрақтары 2017-18 |
Deviantology |
Девиантология Змановская |
Psychologo-Pedagogical Counseling To Children With Deviant Behavior |
_Гоголева А.В., Аддиктивное поведение и его профилактика |
Fundamentals of Professional Pedagogy |
CиллабПрофПиП 17 |
Fundamentals of Professional Pedagogy |
Страницы истории профессиональной педагогики |
Fundamentals of Professional Pedagogy |
Fundamentals of Professional Pedagogy |
вопросы Проф педагогика17 |
Fundamentals of Professional Pedagogy |
Тенденции развития системы профессионального образования |
Fundamentals of Professional Pedagogy |
ПСИХОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ОСНОВЫ ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНО-личностного развития и воспитания специалиста |
Ethnopedagogics |
Correction and developing system of the school psychologist activity |
кн.обеспеч. |
Correction and developing system of the school psychologist activity |
Вопр экз 2017 |
Correction and developing system of the school psychologist activity |
крат.содерж.лекц |
Correction and developing system of the school psychologist activity |
Силлабус 2017-18 |
Psychologo-Pedagogical Counseling To Children With Deviant Behavior |
Модель_и_технологии_работыс группой риска |
Pedagogy of cooperation |
Педагогика сотрудничества |
Correction and developing system of the school psychologist activity |
Correction and developing system of the school psychologist activity |
срсп |
Socio-pedagogical Technologies of Work of Social Pedagog With Children of Deviant Dehavior |
СПТ девиант вопросы 2018 |
Deviantology |
силлабус девиантология 2018 |
Socio-pedagogical Technologies of Work of Social Pedagog With Children of Deviant Dehavior |
семинарға нұсқаулық |
Socio-pedagogical Technologies of Work of Social Pedagog With Children of Deviant Dehavior |
силлабус техн с девиант |
Socio-pedagogical Technologies of Work of Social Pedagog With Children of Deviant Dehavior |
Карта ТехнолДевиации18 |
Deviantology |
Девиантология емтихан сұрақтары 2018-19 |
Socio-pedagogical Technologies of Work of Social Pedagog With Children of Deviant Dehavior |
СӨЖ нұсқаулық |
Socio-pedagogical Technologies of Work of Social Pedagog With Children of Deviant Dehavior |
Девиантты мінез-құлық |
Management in Education |
Corrective Pedagogy |
УМК титул коррекция |
Psychologo-Pedagogical Counseling To Children With Deviant Behavior |
силлабус пп.конс.дев.пов 2018 |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Socio-pedagogical Technologies of Work of Social Pedagog With Children of Deviant Dehavior |
силлабус спт |
Socio-pedagogical Technologies of Work of Social Pedagog With Children of Deviant Dehavior |
семинарға нұсқаулық |
Socio-pedagogical Technologies of Work of Social Pedagog With Children of Deviant Dehavior |
книгообеспеченность |
Technology of criterial estimation |
силлабус |
Technology of criterial estimation |
емтихан сұрақтары |
Fundamentals of Professional Pedagogy |
семинар |
Fundamentals of Professional Pedagogy |
срс |
Psychologo-Pedagogical Counseling To Children With Deviant Behavior |
Учебно-методический комплекс по консультированию-pages-3-112 |
Psychologo-Pedagogical Counseling To Children With Deviant Behavior |
Мидтерм емтихан бағдарламасы |
Social and psychological counseling |
Лекции Соц-псих консультиров в школе на каз |
Social and psychological counseling |
каз экзам вопросы по СПК 2019 |
Social and psychological counseling |
каз Карта книгооб СПК |
Social and psychological counseling |
каз Нов. силлабус по СПК 2019 |
Social and psychological counseling |
Midterm Exam по Соц-пед. конс |
Corrective Pedagogy |
краткий конспект лекции по кор пед-1 |
Corrective Pedagogy |
краткий конспект лекции по кор пед-1 |
Deviantology |
1-дәріс |
Deviantology |
2-дәріс |
Management in Education |
Lecture 2 |
Fundamentals of Professional Pedagogy |
мидтерм |
Socio-pedagogical Technologies of Work of Social Pedagog With Children of Deviant Dehavior |
мидтерм |
Social and Educational Technology Pedagoga Social Work With Children of Deviant Behavior |
силлабус спт |
Social and Educational Technology Pedagoga Social Work With Children of Deviant Behavior |
дәріс |
Technology of criterial estimation |
семинар |
Fundamentals of Professional Pedagogy |
книгообеспеченность |
Socio-pedagogical Technologies of Work of Social Pedagog With Children of Deviant Dehavior |
срс нұсқаулық |
Social and Educational Technology Pedagoga Social Work With Children of Deviant Behavior |
семинарға нұсқаулық |
Fundamentals of Professional Pedagogy |
силлабус |
Fundamentals of Professional Pedagogy |
лекций |
Socio-pedagogical Technologies of Work of Social Pedagog With Children of Deviant Dehavior |
емтихан бағдарламасы |
Social and Educational Technology Pedagoga Social Work With Children of Deviant Behavior |
срс нұсқаулық |
Social and Educational Technology Pedagoga Social Work With Children of Deviant Behavior |
мидтерм |
Social and Educational Technology Pedagoga Social Work With Children of Deviant Behavior |
книгообеспеченность |
Social and Educational Technology Pedagoga Social Work With Children of Deviant Behavior |
емтихан бағдарламасы |
Socio-pedagogical Technologies of Work of Social Pedagog With Children of Deviant Dehavior |
дәріс |
Fundamentals of Professional Pedagogy |
емтихан бағдарламасы |
Management in Education |
1 lecture |
Pedagogy |
2-дәріс Педагогика |
Corrective Pedagogy |
MIDTERM кор пед |
Corrective Pedagogy |
Силлабус кор пед 2018 |
Corrective Pedagogy |
коррекц пед-ка |
Management in Education |
вопросы СПМУ |
Deviantology |
УМКД Ертаргынкызы Динара окончательный вариант |
Management in Education |
Метод рекомендациия СР |
Management in Education |
Задание на Midterm по дисциплине |
Deviantology |
практикалық сабақтарды орындауға әдістемелік нұсқаулық. Девиантология |
Management in Education |
Книгообесп по МвСПС |
Deviantology |
3-дәріс |
Fundamentals of Professional Pedagogy |
exam questions |
Pedagogy |
силлабус |
Pedagogy |
Мидтерм |
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport |
силлабус |
Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport |
Мидтерм |
Theory and Methods of Educational Work |
Карта учебно-метод литературы ТМВР |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Map of Pedagogy of Higher Education |
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School |
Methodical reccomendations for organizing practical classes |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
силабус имитация |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Силлабус педагогика анг |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
емтихан бағдарламасы |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
семинар супервизия |
Pedagogy |
семинар сабақтары |
Pedagogy |
емтихан бағдарламасы |
Pedagogy |
лекция |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
лабораторные занятия |
Social and psychological counseling |
метод рек к СРС по ППК2019 |
Social and psychological counseling |
семинарға нұсқаулық |
Corrective Pedagogy |
Емтихан сұрақтары Корр СПС 2018 |
Psychologo-Pedagogical Counseling To Children With Deviant Behavior |
ПП К девиант сұрақтар 2018 новый |
Art-technologies in Education |
емтихан бағдарламасы |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
срс |
Pedagogy |
Документ Microsoft Word |
Pedagogy |
1-дәріс |
Pedagogy |
2-дәріс |
Pedagogy |
3-дәріс |
Pedagogy |
5-дәріс |
Pedagogy |
7-дәріс |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
Имитационные методы |
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School |
Syllabus new |
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School |
Methodical reccomendations for SIW |
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School |
Lecture |
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School |
картаобеспеченн (2) |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
seminar |
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School |
Methodical reccomendations for organizing practical classes |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Силлабус педагогика анг (1) |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
practical classes |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
exam program |
Theory and Methods of Educational Work |
силлабус ТМВР engl (2) |
Theory and Methods of Educational Work |
план к семинарским занятиям |
Theory and Methods of Educational Work |
Theory and Methods of Educational Work |
Краткий конспект лекций |
Theory and Methods of Educational Work |
план к семинарским занятиям |
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School |
Education-Policy-Outlook-Country-Profile-Kazakhstan-2018 |
Management in Education |
Leadership values |
Management in Education |
Theory and Methods of Educational Work |
Программа экзамена 1 |
Theory and Methods of Educational Work |
Сластенин Мет восп работы |
New Standards and Curricula in Secondary School |
The basis of the state policy in the field of higher education in Kazakhstan is the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Management in Education |
Силлабус Менеджмент в образовании англ |
Management in Education |
Seminar (1) |
Management in Education |
Seminar (1) |
Management in Education |
1 lecture |
Management in Education |
Книгообесп по МвСПС (1) |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
семинар |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
доп мат |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
сил крит оцен |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
семинар |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
конпект лекций |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
карта учеб мет обес |
Criteria-based assessment technologies |
экз |
Art-technologies in Education |
силлабус арт техн |
Art-technologies in Education |
СРС нұсқаулық |
Art-technologies in Education |
конспект лекций |
Art-technologies in Education |
карта обес |
Methods of Teaching Pedagogical Subjects in Higher Education |
семинарға нұсқаулық1 |
Methods of Teaching Pedagogical Subjects in Higher Education |
СРС нұсқаулық |
Methods of Teaching Pedagogical Subjects in Higher Education |
емтихан бағдарламасы |
Methods of Teaching Pedagogical Subjects in Higher Education |
силлабус мет преп пед |
Methods of Teaching Pedagogical Subjects in Higher Education |
консп лекций |
Art-technologies in Education |
семинарға нұсқаулық |
Art-technologies in Education |
семинарға нұсқаулық |
Fundamentals of Professional Pedagogy |
Hollistic education |
Fundamentals of Professional Pedagogy |
Lecture 3-4 |
Management in Education |
Seminar |
Management in Education |
Lecture 3 |
Management in Education |
Lecture 5 |
Management in Education |
Midterm examination (1) |
Fundamentals of Professional Pedagogy |
Midterm examination (1) |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
силабус имитация |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
Имитационные методы |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
Документ Microsoft Word |
Methods of Teaching Pedagogical Subjects in Higher Education |
семинарға нұсқаулық1_пәноқытуәдістемесі |
Methods of Teaching Pedagogical Subjects in Higher Education |
семинарға нұсқаулық1_пәноқытуәдістемесі |
Pedagogy |
8-дәріс |
Pedagogy |
4-дәріс |
Pedagogy |
6-дәріс |
Pedagogy |
9-дәріс |
Methods of Teaching Pedagogical Subjects in Higher Education |
семинарға нұсқаулық1 |
Methods of Teaching Pedagogical Subjects in Higher Education |
книг обесп |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Lecture 2 (1) |
Pedagogy |
Семинарға нұсқаулық |
Pedagogy |
силлабус Педагогика |
Pedagogy |
СӨЖ тапсырмалары |
Pedagogy |
Емтихан бағдарламасы_Педагогика |
Pedagogy |
Семинарға нұсқаулық |
Pedagogy |
карта обеспеченности |
Pedagogy |
Cиллабус бак Педагогика 20-21 |
The diagnostic activity of the social teacher |
СИЛЛАБУС диагност деятельность соц.педагога (5) (1) |
The diagnostic activity of the social teacher |
СЕМИНАР методические рекомендации диагностика (1) (1) |
The diagnostic activity of the social teacher |
Лекции тезисы ДИАГН деят (2) (1) |
The diagnostic activity of the social teacher |
СЕМИНАР методические рекомендации диагностика (1) (1) |
Pedagogical Psychology |
емтихан бағдарламасы |
Pedagogical Psychology |
семинарға нұсқаулық |
Pedagogical Psychology |
Pedagogical Psychology |
семинарға нұсқаулық |
Pedagogical Psychology |
силлабус |
Pedagogical Psychology |
емтихан бағдарламасы |
The diagnostic activity of the social teacher |
книгообеспеченность (2) (1) |
Pedagogy |
1-дәріс Педагогика |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
1-дәріс_супервизия (1) |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
Syllabus 2020 |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
practical classes |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
seminar |
Pedagogics |
семинарға нұсқаулық |
Pedagogics |
3-дәріс (3) |
Pedagogics |
карта обесп |
Pedagogics |
4 Дәріс ПЕДАГОГИКА (1) |
Pedagogics |
1-дәріс Педагогика |
Pedagogics |
2-дәріс |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
Pedagogy of Higher education |
exam program |
Pedagogics |
Pedagogics |
емтихан бағдарламасы |
Pedagogics |
карта обесп |
Pedagogics |
5- дәріс. Оқушы тұлғасы – тәрбиенің объектісі мен субъектісі Педагогика (1) |
Pedagogy |
5- дәріс. Оқушы тұлғасы – тәрбиенің объектісі мен субъектісі Педагогика (1) |
Pedagogy |
6-лекция SRA Педагогика1 |
The diagnostic activity of the social teacher |
12 |
Psycho-pedagogical Correction |
емтихан бағдарламасы |
Art-technologies in Education |
Art-technologies in Education |
Art-technologies in Education |
Білім берудегі арт технологиялар ДӘРІС тезистері толықтырылған |
Art-technologies in Education |
Силлабусс арт технология |
Art-technologies in Education |
Лебедева Л. Д. Практика арт-терапии_ подходы, диагностика, система занятий |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Syllabus 2020 |
Pedagogy of higher education |
мет.рек.к семинар.зан. пвш |
Pedagogy of higher education |
мет.рек.к семинар.зан. пвш |
Pedagogy of higher education |
мет.рек.к СРМ |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Lecture 1(1) |
Pedagogy of higher education |
seminar |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
мет.рек.к СРМ |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Map of Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
exam program |
Psycho-pedagogical Correction |
Силлабус КазНУ Псих-пед коррекция на каз |
Psycho-pedagogical Correction |
Программа семинар занятий на каз псих пед кор |
Psycho-pedagogical Correction |
Psycho-pedagogical Correction |
Документ Microsoft Word |
Art-technologies in Education |
Білім берудегі арт техн Семинар саб әдістемелік нұсқаулығы толықтырылған |
Art-technologies in Education |
ББ АРТ ТЕХН Әдістемелік қамт ету картасы 2020 |
Art-technologies in Education |
Білім берудегі арт техн Семинар саб әдістемелік нұсқаулығы толықтырылған |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Map of Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Pedagogy of higher education |
exam program |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
Syllabus 2020 |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
мет.рек.к семинар.зан. пвш |
Psycho-pedagogical Correction |
Программа семинар занятий на каз псих пед кор |
Psycho-pedagogical Correction |
Программа СРС псих пед кор на каз |
Psycho-pedagogical Correction |
Deviantology |
Девиантология емтихан сұрақтары 2018-19 |
Management in Education |
15 Defining leadership |
Management in Education |
15 lecture |
Management in Education |
Leadership values |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
Карта супервизия |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
силабус имитация2 |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
срс имитация |
The diagnostic activity of the social teacher |
Lecture 9 |
The diagnostic activity of the social teacher |
Lecture8 |
The diagnostic activity of the social teacher |
Lecture 7 |
The diagnostic activity of the social teacher |
6-дәріс |
Pedagogy |
9-Дәріс Педагогика |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
силлабус Супервизия |
Research |
программа научно-исследовательской практики Докторантура |
Research |
программа ПиП Исслед.практика 2020 |
Pedagogical (continuous) |
Программа практики 4 курс 2020-21 ж |
Pedagogy of Higher Education |
мет.рек.к семинар.зан. пвш |
The diagnostic activity of the social teacher |
Ethical |
Pedagogy |
Art-technologies in Education |
Силлабусс арт технология |
Special Pedagogy |
Special Pedagogy |
Special Pedagogy |
Арнайы Педагогика СРС 2021 |
Special Pedagogy |
краткий конспект лекций |
Special Pedagogy |
книгообеспеч по спец пед |
Special Pedagogy |
Fundamentals of Professional Pedagogy |
Lecture 1 |
Fundamentals of Professional Pedagogy |
Lecture 2 |
Management in Education |
Exam questions (1) |
Pedagogy |
ПЕДАГОГИКА_2-каз_сил |
Pedagogy |
семинар сабақтары |
Pedagogy |
СӨЖ тапсырмалары |
Pedagogy |
коллоквиум 1 |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
лекции_супервизия |
Pedagogy |
3-дәріс (3) |
Pedagogy |
7-дәріс |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
семинар супервизия |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
срс имитация |
Pedagogical Psychology |
карта обесп |
The diagnostic activity of the social teacher |
Емтихан Диагност деят (1) |
The diagnostic activity of the social teacher |
Pedagogical Psychology |
Дәріс |
Pedagogy |
4 Дәріс ПЕДАГОГИКА (1) |
The diagnostic activity of the social teacher |
BenishekWeaverNewman-Toker2015-Cogpsycofdiagnosticerror |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Lecture 1(1) |
Art-technologies in Education |
Дәріс 3 Арт техн 2020 |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
силлабус Супервизия |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
Карта супервизия |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
2-дәріс_супервизия |
The diagnostic activity of the social teacher |
СИЛЛАБУС диагност деятельность соц.педагога (5) (1) |
The diagnostic activity of the social teacher |
СЕМИНАР методические рекомендации диагностика (1) (1)(1) |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
семинар супервизия |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
емтихан бағдарламасы |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
лекции_супервизия |
Socio-pedagogical Supervision and Imitation |
1-дәріс_супервизия (1) |
The diagnostic activity of the social teacher |
СЕМИНАР методические рекомендации диагностика (1) (1) |
The diagnostic activity of the social teacher |
Лекции тезисы ДИАГН деят (2) (1) |
The diagnostic activity of the social teacher |
книгообеспеченность (2) (1) |
The diagnostic activity of the social teacher |
Емтихан Диагност деят (1) |
The diagnostic activity of the social teacher |
СИЛЛАБУС диагност деятельность соц.педагога (5) (1) |
The diagnostic activity of the social teacher |
The diagnostic activity of the social teacher |
Емтихан Диагност деят (1) |
Theories and concepts of comparative education: domestic and international experience |
Comparative education syllabus |
Special Pedagogy |
Pedagogy of higher education |
Lecture 1(1) |
The diagnostic activity of the social teacher |
Lecture 10 |
Pedagogy |
8-лекция SRA педагогика |
Pedagogy |
10-Дәріс- Дүниеге көзқарас-қалыптастырушы тұлғаның негізі |
Psycho-pedagogical Correction |
емтихан бағдарламасы кореекция |